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Proyecto Energía Limpia

The process of transitioning one's business to a new form of energy is daunting, and there are even more barriers in place for those whose first language isn't English. We are working to increase accessibility for information pertaining to renewable energy. 

50 by 25 is acting as an intermediary between local solar installers and members of Harrisonburg's Hispanic business community. Upon receiving informational documents from installers, members of our team translate the material into Spanish, then present it to the business owners.


In doing so, we seek to ensure that they are provided with the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding costs and benefits of solar installations, rather than being kept in the dark due to language barriers. By removing these hurdles, we not only work to help sustainability efforts, but also to ensure that business owners are able to capitalize on the tax benefits received for making the switch (not to mention the return on investment from lower energy bills).


While the decline of our planet's environment is a universal concern, not all groups suffer its consequences equally. Residents who are poor or hail from marginalized communities often experience the effects of climate change far more keenly than wealthy or majority demographics. This is known as environmental injustice, and means that climate advocacy is critical not only for the sake of preserving our home, but also for the purpose of securing equity for our less fortunate Friendly City residents.

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